Monday, August 22, 2011

Panegyric to Exercise

Pumping iron in the gym, like a monster.
Boil an egg, put some bread in the toaster.
Training right, eating well for a big kick,
So come race time I'll be "Fly Like A G6".

Give me my water wet,
Give me clean towels dry.
My workout today will definitely make quitters cry.
You want to workout with me?
Perseverance must come naturally
Because I don't stop once I pick the weights up and do my reps you see.

Oh yes!  Girl, I'm type extreme, power cleaning in the gym.
I have to keep my form in check to keep chance of injury slim.
Once I gain momentum I don't want to be sidelined.
Now I've the chance to put in the work; the present is my time.
Running Van Cortlandt's hills, inclines without mercy.
They try their hardest to grind away resolve but the trick is consistency.
You just have to pump arms and legs,
And keep that head down,
And once you burst into the clearing
And race the straightaway,
You'll be a challenger for that crown.

Tempo run in Central Park, training to race
Solidifying my technique known to me as pace and chase.
Gym now! Environed jocks are grunting like they're truly bulked.
Bench press time!  And the mix on my media player makes me step my workout up.

I can't forget to stretch!
Have to be limber, balanced and loose.
And knowing when to take rest days
Is the best thing I can do.
My goal is longevity not a merely fleeting journey.
So the number one goal of any workout is to take care of... well, me.

Endorphins abound! Pleasant rush that can only be found
In a layer of sweat that you'll surely get
When you put on some sneakers and try not to fret.
Your body will thank you...  Hey, why aren't you outside yet?

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