Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Journal Entry: May 1st

At the stroke of midnight, my chariot awaited me outside. I took my lab coat as a cover, because I thought it would be of use to me both in and out of doors and I thought it would keep my company warm. Wheels of ivory, seats plush and blanched. The outer casing resembled a skinned apple, but unlike the apple it was resistant to discolouration due to oxidation. Even the horses were snowy. The ride was smooth for a chariot; I did not bounce upon any stones or ruts within the dusty road. If I were to describe the sensation to you Margarethe, I will say we were floating. The lightning storm outside persisted for the duration of the journey. Was it following me? The flashes came quite close to our transport and for many brief snippets of time I could see myself and the rest of the company within. The images of those present with me are a well of happiness. Was your God angry with me, and trying to stop my progress? He cannot give His gifts to man and then take them away without sufficient reason. My soul is enriched and if it is a part of Him, I have sown and multipled a thousand fold the gift that he has given me. My field is not barren. It certainly seemed like He was trying to hinder us, but it is also possible that the trajectory of the wind and the pattern of movement of the storm was similar to mine. It starting snowing heavily, but within the chariot, there was warmth, such that I was quite comfortable...

My thoughts vary, but expressions are perfect...

The compartment in which we sat was steadily increasing in temperature. I took off my button-up shirt, as the company within the carraige was close. As the temperature did not desist on our arrival, I left my shirt within the carriage, but I am the better for it now. The ground upon which the steeds cantered became blistering and after a while the horses could take us no further. Out of the corner of my eye and upon their speedy departure, I thought that I noticed a flash of red flame emanate from the horses' bodies and the chariot was transformed into a carnelian hue. It may just be the altitude or the light dispersed in the atmosphere around me.

A secret passageway has opened within this gargantuan mount. Wait. This mountain is quaint. In fact, it is not a mountain at all, but a volcano! My shoes have burned through upon the ground, but my feet are unharmed. I am in a large room at the base of it and although from outside there is a summit, I can see through it to the sky above. My vision can pass through the eye of this needle. That which I bore was heavy, but not unwieldy, and as I approached the entranceway and began to descend, I felt my physical strength increase as well. I asked Mephastophilis about the cause, to which he replied that the difficulty of the trial ahead will be matched by the strength I was now receiving...

My colleagues are as I expected and very knowledgeable. They have gathered from all over the world to converge here, in what seems to be some form of conference. They find me strange, but acceptable, though I am not one of them. It is possible that the presence of Mephastophilis has aided my case of urgency for being here. They have pinned upon me some charm acknowledging my worthiness at being upon this ground. They call me the Lion and Mephastophilis, the Sun. You will like them I think. I have learned the second part of the answer has been proven. My new acquaintances call them different things in their respective languages, but now that I am well versed in them all, the pattern of their expression is identical...

I have to rename benzene now. Heptene. I didn't think such a shape was even possible, or sustainable even. But the proof is before me and I accept it. It makes so much sense now that our calculations are solved with any combination of digits. It is a perfect variable. Mephastophilis knows what he is doing, and I have given placed my trust in him as he has done with his trust in me. I will never look at the 50 pence piece in any other way than a symbol of perfection...

The three is the Trinity. The one is their unity. The seven is completion. Mephastophilis has kept his promise. My strength multiplies further and my gratitude is tantamount to an eternity of praise. His surprise is more than satisfactory, altruistic of him even. I marvel at the amount of trust he has put into our work, Margarethe. He says of all human beings since the beginning of our pitiful existence, none have come so close to the answer as I have tonight. It was why he spared no expense of his power to get me here tonight to harness the immense power that was present. It courses through me. It contrasts the lightning because it is the darkness.

The ritual has been set for me. All materials are ready and the spirit of the earth, the great Mother of the beings present upon and within her, is here with us. I think often of the seven sins that I have chosen to commit, for you too. There is a constant reminder of them quite near to me now, much like the reminder that you are not here anymore. Your sins were never so great and yet God did not listen to your entreaties. I am certain He is not present here. He is not welcome in this place.

I write now speaking to you Margarethe, so in your erudition you will be filled in on all these things that led up to the awakening of your soul and the opening of your eyes. Quad Erat Demonstrandum!

H. J. Faust