To blog, or not to blog, that is the question.
Whether 'tis nobler for my mind to make
Privy fragments via mere characters,
Or share via blogging whole form-ed thoughts,
And in some paragrahps end it? To blog,
To tweet no more; because insomnia
or some madness, or a nagging neurosis
Puts pen to paper, nay fingers to keyboards
And thoughts take shape in ways unlike 140 graphemes can allow,
As in this case where tweets will not lend credence.
To tweet, not blog, and refuse to dwell much
Upon philosophizing most matters.
Tweets require one to craftily conjure one's opines,
Links, pictures and statements with words handpicked
To define oneself and one's interests.
The tweet is mighty but is oft not enough, 'cause
If used with Twitter Long, it thus succumbs to its opponent.
Why use applications that will allow
One to go past the allotted amount?
One might as well use the faculties already
In place for such an endeavor.
A blog, a tweet, both differ in the editing.
A tweet if incorrect or muddled will cease to exist;
Spontaneity of thought in real time is a must,
And if 'tis not tweeted the way one wants,
One must begin again anew; why the thought might pass
And cease to be, and nay may be reshaped. The moment may be gone
but 'tis no matter - the forum breeds creativity akin to lightning.
A blog can be edited; a metier
In its own right, a refinement of thought that
Allows one to find the words that may be
Best fit for one's needs - but that spoils the gift
Of original fancies in an instant;
The perception of an event can be manipulated.
At my whim, this post may not look the same way twice,
as my mind upon reflection will not
perceive it in the same way, but this is only one post.
Oh blogs! Oh tweets! By confiding in your
'lectric pages and allowing myself
to feed mine own musings to fill your
open blank maws, my sins will be relived.